• Manual Handling Risk Assessment Template

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Template

  • Risk Assessment

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    Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts

    (Last updated )

    Any form of activity that requires an employee to lift, move, or support a load is classed as a manual handling task.

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    Any form of activity that requires an employee to lift, move, or support a load is classed as a manual handling task.

    The injuries caused by incorrect manual handling can have huge impacts on both the employer and affected workers.

    You can significantly reduce work-related injuries by promoting Health & Safety policies. Like a manual handling risk assessment.

    Download our free manual handling risk assessment template for free. And see how you can promote safe working practices in your business. Minimising future workplace accidents and injuries. Our Health & Safety experts have also created a free manual handling poster, outlining correct manual handling techniques - keeping your employees free from injury.

    Peninsula provides total support on any HR or Health & Safety issue you have. From unlimited advice to our full documentation and risk assessment services, we'll ensure compliance at all times, contact us today.

    What is a manual handling risk assessment?

    A risk assessment for manual handling is conducted to identify and manage risks during tasks that require human handling and establish the methods for the tasks to be carried out safely.

    Employers can then use the assessment to provide reasonably practical training on the working practices to their employees.

    Some tasks can be done with machines and don’t need human assistance. However, for tasks that do, it’s vital to use risk assessments and place sensible measures to prevent injuries.

    Download our manual handling risk assessment example today, ready for you to use when required.

    Are manual handling risk assessments a legal requirement?

    Under UK Health & Safety laws, employers must protect their employees from risk of injury during manual handling in the workplace. This included lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying loads, putting down.

    One way to do this is to carry out a manual handling assessment. This assessment will help you to identify risks and implement control measures to avoid your employees getting injured.

    Our experts have put together a manual handling risk assessment template, ready for you to download and use when needed. If you need further advice on manual handling risk assessments - call our experts today.

    Our Health & Safety experts have also created a free manual handling poster, outlining correct manual handling techniques - keeping your employees free from injury.

    When should a manual handling risk assessment be performed?

    Legislation requires you to conduct a risk assessment for manual handling when you cannot avoid using manual handling during work.

    These, like most business risk assessments, help you manage work activities and decide on suitable control measures.

    It’s good business practice to review all Health & Safety policies and risk assessments:

    • Annually.
    • After any workplace accident.
    • After relevant legislation updates.
    • Changes in business processes.

    It's important you carry out training off the back of a manual handling assessment, especially for new starters. But also as refresher training for current staff.

    Who is responsible for conducting a manual handling risk assessment?

    Responsibility normally falls to the employer. They hold overall responsibility for such tasks, as well as other workplace health and safety.

    This doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself.

    You can appoint responsible Health & Safety officers, who are competent and trained in managing risks. Your officer must be experienced and qualified to carry out a manual handling assessment within your business.

    For more help on this, download our manual handling risk assessment template - ready to use when required.

    Why do I need a manual handling risk assessment?

    You are legally responsible for carrying out a manual handling risk assessment within your business. This is part of your duty of care under The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

    Without one, it can affect workers’ wellbeing, retention, and overall trust in the business. Not to mention direct effects, like compensation fees, tribunal claims, and business disruptions.

    • Workers are responsible for:
    • Following safe working methods.
    • Using equipment safely.
    • Co-operating with management on Health & Safety matters.
    • Reporting potential safety risks discovered during tasks.
    • Taking care not to put themselves or others at risk.

    If you choose not to carry out manual handling risk assessments, you could leave your employees at risk of injury. Which in turn, could lead to claims being made against your company.

    Download our free manual handling risk assessment template today to keep all your employees safe.

    What should be included in a manual handling risk assessment template?

    Whether you’re carrying boxes in the office or moving loads on a construction site, it’s important to cover all aspects of manual handling. Which is why it's important you have a manual handling risk assessment example.

    Having basic principles can help staff move loads as safely as possible. And minimise work-related injuries, particularly musculoskeletal disorders and other medical issues.

    Some manual handling risk assessment factors to consider:

    • Introduce mechanical aids
    • Minimise moving loads across long distances
    • Minimise obstructions in the work area
    • Reduce lifting loads from floor level or above shoulder height
    • Provide frequent breaks to help muscle recovery
    • Assign suitable tasks based on workers’ capability (especially for vulnerable workers like young people, those with health conditions, or pregnant workers).

    It’s a legal requirement that your workers are competently trained for tasks involving manual handling. However, if possible, try to consider mechanical aids before introducing training.

    Mechanical aids like forklifts, conveyors, hoists, and trolleys can significantly help reduce risks if used correctly. Include them in your risk assessment template and inspect the equipment regularly.

    Our Health & Safety experts have also created a free manual handling poster, outlining correct manual handling techniques - keeping your employees free from injury.

    Download our free manual handling risk assessment template

    Managing hazardous work tasks can help safeguard all your employees under your care. Which in turn increases business productivity for you, and workforce morale.

    Peninsula can supply a manual handling risk assessment example that suits your business. We also offer expert employment Health & Safety advice. And also provide services on risk assessment and safety training. So, download our manual handling risk assessment template for free now.

    Peninsula clients also get access to 24/7 HR consultation with our employment specialists. And if you are not yet a client, you can still enjoy free employment health and safety advice from one of our business experts. Simply call us on 0800 158 2313.

    Disclaimer: This template is provided ‘as is’ and Peninsula Business Services Ltd excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the template to the maximum extent permitted by law.

    Peninsula Business Services Ltd is not liable for any errors or omissions in the template and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. Use of the template is entirely at the risk of the User and should you wish to do so then independent legal advice should be sought before use.

    Use of the template will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the above terms.

    Manual Handling Risk Assessment Template

    Download our manual handling risk assessment template for free now

    • Manual Handling Risk Assessment Template


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