- Written Warning Template
Written Warning Template
- Leave and Absence
Peninsula Team, Peninsula Team
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Peninsula Team, Peninsula Team
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Use our free template to create a firm but fair warning letter for absence.
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Absences in the workplace happen a lot of the time. This could be for a variety of reasons, but it is typically the result of ill health.
Employers shouldn't see staff taking sick leave as concerning. In fact, it can help reduce absenteeism rates as the chance of sickness spreading amongst employees is also reduced.
But, continued absenteeism without reason or prior notice can cause problems for your business. For example, it can lower overall productivity - as staff members will have to pick up the workload of the absent employee.
To reiterate your expectations and prevent continued sickness absence occurring, you could issue a written warning letter to your employee after a disciplinary hearing has been held.
And if you've never created a written warning letter before, there's no need to stress - Peninsula has a written warning template you can download for free. Download your written warning for absence template now.
What is a written warning?
A written warning is a type of disciplinary action given to an employee as a written reminder of expected behaviour in the workplace.
Providing a written warning will make it clear the concerns you have over an employees' actions - in this case their sickness record. As well as highlighting tat they've breached company policy.
It will hopefully make the employee realise they need to change their actions when it comes to absences, and more severe punishment could be on the way if things don't change.
What is the procedure for an employee written warning?
If you have concerns over an employee's sickness absence record, you should follow a fair disciplinary process - and this includes when giving written warnings.
Follow the below steps when providing a written warning:
- Set up a meeting: Set up a meeting with the employee, providing a time, date, and location.
- Host the meeting in a formal setting: Ensure you hold the meeting in a formal place, such as your office.
- Provide your company's letterhead: Providing the warning on your business letterhead will help consolidate its importance.
- Provide the employee with the reasons: During the meeting, give clear details of their misconduct - as well as any data you have on the matter.
- Discuss next steps: Discuss next steps with the employee, as well as achievable goals and timelines to avoid further action.
How long does a written warning stay valid for?
Typically, a first written warning lasts up to six months from the time it was given. During this period, you should monitor the employee to see if any improvement in their sickness record has been made.
A copy of the employee written warning should be kept on their record. It should be signed by both parties to confirm they've received it.
Can you give a letter of concern or written warning letter for sickness absence?
Yes, if you can highlight that an employee has been repeatedly absent due to sickness, you can provide a written warning letter or disciplinary outcome letter to them. Generally, there is no specific employment law that states when written warnings are acceptable. You can also provide them with a letter of concern, a letter that outlines you concerns before starting disciplinary for sickness.
But if you and your HR managers can evidence absenteeism in the employee's attendance records, as well as how it has affected your business negatively, a written warning letter would be an appropriate disciplinary action. This is as long as the employee does not have an underlying medical condition.
What are the benefits of using a warning letter for absence?
Issuing an employee warning letter might seem like a drastic action to take, but it can be beneficial. For example, it:
Outlines your company expectations
Using a written warning letter for sickness absence can reinforce what you expect from your staff. It gives you the opportunity to outline what improvements your employee needs to make - as well as what consequences there will be if they don't.
Not to mention, it allows you to express what further disciplinary action you'll take if the employee fails to improve. For example, you might then issue a final written warning. Remember to add the letter to the employee's personnel file, so you can evidence your reason for using a disciplinary procedure.
Allows the employee a chance to respond
Following a disciplinary meeting - a written warning letter also gives your employee another opportunity to respond. For example, they might be aware of your concern for their increased absence - but are able to justify this. If they have a long-term sickness, it's best to see what accommodations you can make for them - or if you can offer suitable alternative work.
However, the latter is not legally required unless they have a disability. It’s also important to remember that you're legally required to give the employee a chance to dispute your warning letter. Download our free warning letter for absence today.
Improves poor performance
Perhaps the most notable benefit of issuing a warning letter for sickness absence is that it could improve your employee's performance. In your letter, you can outline how your employee has violated your company policy, and what steps they need to take in order to comply with your professional expectations.
This, alongside a timescale with when the employee needs to improve, will give them the chance to take corrective action. They'll likely be incentivised to improve to avoid further disciplinary action being taken.
If you're unsure of how to write a warning letter, then download our written warning template so today to ensure total compliance.
What to include in an employee written warning letter
Including the following in any written warning letter you give:
- Employee details, such as name, address, and job title.
- Full details of the misconduct - for example sickness absence.
- Next steps.
- Potential further disciplinary actions.
To make the process easier, we've created a written warning for absence template, ready for you to download and use when needed. Access your written warning template UK now - or contact us for more advice on a warning letter.
What is a written warning letter template?
A written warning template is used to provide a structure to the disciplinary procedure by making it easier to provide the employee with an outcome. This template can then be used when creating a disciplinary outcome letter which will be given to the staff member in question.
Our team of experts have put together a written warning template ready for you to download and use when need. If afterwards you need further advice on a warning letter, then contact us.
Download your free written warning template UK now
Written warning letters is one step you can take when dealing with an employee taking continued sickness absence.
Whilst it reiterates your expectations, it also gives your employee the chance to improve. And communicate any problems they've been having in their personal life that may affect their absenteeism rate.
If you need guidance drafting legal paperwork, Peninsula's documentation service is on hand to help. When you work with us, our team of employment law experts will draft all your legal documentation. Not to mention, they'll even update them when legislation changes too.
Peninsula can help with more than just your HR documentation. We also provide:
- 24/7 advice - 365 days a year.
- Handy HR software; as well as
- HR support for small, medium and large businesses.
- A free written warning template.
For specific, specialised assistance, you can call our experts at 0800 028 2420. Download your written warning for absence template
Disclaimer: This template is provided ‘as is’ and Peninsula Business Services Ltd excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the template to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Peninsula Business Services Ltd is not liable for any errors or omissions in the template and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. Use of the template is entirely at the risk of the User and should you wish to do so then independent legal advice should be sought before use.
Use of the template will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the above terms.
Written Warning Template
Click here to download your free written warning for absence template
- Written Warning Template
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