Read our article: 'Why your business can benefit from supporting a charity'. Contact us today for more information about our Employment Law, Health & Safety, and HR services.
Companies who decide to adopt a philanthropic approach to business by supporting a charity are entering into a mutually beneficial relationship, which not only helps a group of disadvantaged people, but also creates networking and marketing opportunities for the business. Beyond this, affiliation with a charity and actively encouraging your employees to participate in a charity event, for example a company fun day or sponsored sporting challenge, helps to inject the ‘feel good’ factor into the office. Businesses are not only established on a profit only basis, but also to contribute something to the local economy. There is no better feeling than seeing your business grow and at the same time giving something back to your local or wider community. Supporting a charity is great for you as an employer and for your employees. Encouraging employees to actively participate in events that support your company charity is a great method to help increase team morale, keeping your employees happy and boosting their levels of job satisfaction. Taking part in these events enables your employees to interact with their colleagues outside of the typical working environment, building real team spirit. Moreover, your employees will feel good about helping others, whilst also being proud to be part of an organisation that is committed to creating positive change. From a business perspective, supporting a charity is an effective way to help publicise your company, as whilst raising awareness for a specific cause, you are also promoting your business to a wider network of individuals and companies. The benefits of this are plentiful. Most importantly, it will demonstrate that your business is more than a passive entity, but incorporates human-like qualities such as compassion and empathy for others. As a result, this will encourage customers, clients and prospective clients to emotionally engage with your company making them increasingly likely to stay with you long-term. At Peninsula, we take great pride in supporting the local north-west charity, Destination Florida, which specialises in organising sunshine holidays for children between the ages of seven and fifteen who have missed out on the fun and laughter of childhood due to severe illness (www.destination Throughout our time supporting this charity my employees have continuously demonstrated an unwavering passion for engaging in regular company events, with some even organising individual endeavors to show their support of Destination Florida. I would strongly advise business owners who do not already support a charity in some way, to seriously consider doing so. As an employer you will feel good about using your platform to support positive change, whilst also helping your organisation to appeal to a broader client base and boosting staff morale and productivity in the process. Health Assured can help look at employee wellbeing and employee satisfaction solutions, call 0808 278 0734.
Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts
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Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts
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