• Risk Assessment and Method Statement Template

Risk Assessment and Method Statement Template

  • Health & Safety

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    Peninsula Team, Peninsula Team

    (Last updated )

    Download our free risk assessment and method statement for free today and keep your employees safe.

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    What is a risk assessment method statement (RAMs)?

    A risk assessment and method statement (also known as RAMs) is a safety document that identifies steps that have been carried out before a task or activity can be conducted safely.

    Included in this document are step-by-step activities that need to be carried out to avoid potential hazards and insert control measures to promote worker safety.

    But you may be unsure how to create a risk assessment and method statement for your business. However, our experts have created a free RAMs template ready for you to download and use when required.

    Which industries use RAMs?

    RAMs can be used by businesses in any industry to improve Health & Safety of its operations. But they’re mostly used in companies where dangerous and high-risk tasks are carried out daily, for example , , and .

    A risk assessment method statement are also regularly used by contractors to demonstrate their safe work practices before starting a job.

    Is a risk assessment method statement a legal requirement?

    No, a risk assessment and method statement is not a legal requirement within the UK. Although you have a legal duty to carry out a risk assessment, you don’t for RAMs. Although it’s highly recommended to have a risk assessment method statement in use in high-risk tasks.

    Download our risk assessment and method statement for free today and keep your employees safe.

    What are the benefits of using RAMs in your business?

    There are many benefits to using RAMs before a high-risk task, such as controlling risks. Others include:

    • Promoting a safer working environment in your business.
    • Improving productivity levels.
    • Ensuring compliance with regulations.
    • Promoting accountability.
    • Reducing workplace accidents.
    • Improving employee morale.

    The above benefits make it even more important to have a risk assessment and method statement template on hand to use, download your RAMs template now.

    What is a RAMs template?

    A RAMs template is a document to keep on file, ready to be used before high-risk tasks within your business. Having a template will ensure you keep a simple record of any potential risks before a task is carried out.

    This will also act as evidence if a workplace accident does occur, as you’ll be able to show you took the correct steps to keep your workers safe.

    Our team of experts have put together a free risk assessment and method statement template for you to download. This template will act as a step-by-step guide in how to complete RAMs and keep your employees’ safe from injury at all times.

    Download your free RAMs template now

    Some sectors involve high-risk tasks being carried out daily, so it’s vital safe working practices are followed, otherwise there may be a risk of injury.

    Having a risk assessment and method statement (RAMs) will show your workers that you take their safely seriously. But you may be unsure on how to complete RAMs – Peninsula have created a free risk assessment and method statement template for you to download and use within your business.

    If after downloading your RAMs template you still need advice, we offer expert Health & Safety advice. And also provide services on risk assessment and safety training. Download our risk assessment and method statement template for free today and take the first step to total compliance.

    Peninsula clients also get access to 24/7 HR consultation for workplace Health & Safety requirements. And if you are not yet a client, you can still enjoy free advice from one of our business experts. Simply call us on 0800 158 2313.

    Risk Assessment and Method Statement Template

    Download your RAMs template for free

    • Risk Assessment and Method Statement Template


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