• Accident Book Template

Accident Book Template

  • Health & Safety

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    Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts

    (Last updated )

    A basic guide to the legal requirement in Health & Safety at work legislation to report workplace injuries and dangerous occurrences

    One of your employees might suffer an accident at work at some point or another. If this happens, you must deal with it properly. This means recording the accident in your accident book, and making a RIDDOR report.

    Failure to do so could result in an investigation into your workplace by the Health and Safety Executive. Consequently, you might face financial and reputational damages.

    That's why we've created our free, downloadable guide to reporting accidents in the workplace. We’ll outline how to report accidents, why it's important to do so, and when you should make a report.

    Download our free accident book template today and correctly manage workplace accidents in your company.

    What is RIDDOR?

    RIDDOR - also known as Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (2013) - is a piece of Health & Safety legislation. It requires employers to report incidents and keep records of workplace accidents.

    This includes those who are self employed and people in charge of work premises. Under the law, employers must report and record:

    • Work-related accidents and dangerous incidents which cause deaths.
    • Work-related accidents and dangerous incidents which cause major injuries.
    • Diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases.
    • Certain 'dangerous occurrences', meaning such incidents with the potential to cause harm.

    Ensure you run your own formal investigation to determine how the accident happened and whether it was preventable.

    Access your accident form template free download to discover more in-depth guidance around reporting workplace accidents.

    When should you report workplace accidents and incidents?

    You must report accidents at work within ten days of the accident occurring. This extends to 15 in cases where the worker is incapacitated for seven days or more.

    Only responsible persons such as employers, a self-employed person, or those in charge of the business premises can make a RIDDOR report.

    It's vital you have a template to use, access our free accident book template free download now - and ensure legal compliance.

    Why should all incidents and accidents at work be reported?

    Reporting incidents and accidents at work is a legal requirement for employers, but it can also be beneficial for your business. For example, it helps you to establish how an accident occurred and why. Other benefits include:

    • Improves workplace safety: By reporting an accident and assessing the cause, employers will be able to establish what control measures they can implement to ensure harm isn't caused again.
    • Protects employee rights: The injured person in your workplace accident might claim compensation. By reporting the accident, employers can ensure they have supported the employee's rights and that they receive the support they need.
    • Protects the company: Not only can accidents result in injuries and ill health, but they can result in the reputational damage of your company. But, if you comply with employment law and follow the steps highlighted in our guide, you can minimise this damage.

    To learn more about the steps you should take after an accident at work occurs, download our accident book template free download now.

    Do you need to keep an accident form following an accident?

    Yes, you need to keep a record of accidents on an accident form after the incident takes place. This is because the HSE may be required to access these records during their investigation.

    But you may not know how or where to write the accident details down, that's why our team of experts have created an accident form template ready for you to use. Having a template handy will make it easier to make a record of the causes and outcomes of an accident.

    Download your accident book sample today and ensure you're adhering to RIDDOR.

    What happens if you don’t report an accident at work?

    Not reporting workplace accidents means you could risk breaking the law. It’s your legal duty to keep your employees safe - and this means reporting accidents when they happen.

    Failure to do so could mean you receive a hefty fine through a magistrates court - which could be anything up to £20,000. This makes it even more important you download our accident book example.

    This makes it even more important you have an accident book template ready to use - download yours from Peninsula now.

    Download our free accident book template today

    Reporting workplace accidents to the relevant enforcing authority is your legal requirement. This means ensuring the worker is safe or receiving treatment, as well as making a RIDDOR report. Download our accident book example now.

    Our free guide on reporting accidents and incidents at work outlines what accidents you need to record, and the steps you should follow after one occurs. Tap below to access your free copy.

    And if you need further support, such as someone to handle your legal documentation, or help with your risk assessments - Peninsula can help with that, too. Download our free accident book template today and correctly manage workplace accidents in your company.

    Ensure your legal compliance and access your free accident book free download today.

    Accident Book Template

    Download your free guide and learn how to follow essential guidance when an accident happens at work

    • Accident Book Template


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