Free Office Risk Assessment Example

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    Peninsula Team, Peninsula Team

    (Last updated )

    Download our free office risk assessment example today and learn how to keep your employees from harm.

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    What is an office risk assessment?

    An office risk assessment is an assessment that assesses any hazards that could pose a risk to both employees and visitors to your office space. During the assessment you should record hazards, the likelihood of them causing harm to someone, and the implementation of safety control measures.

    The main aim of an office risk assessment is to create a comfortable, efficient, and safe place for people to work.

    Download our template for a risk assessment for an office base business now, and keep your staff safe.

    Is a risk assessment in an office a legal requirement?

    Yes if you run an office, you have a legal requirement to carry out an office risk assessment. Once completed, a copy of the risk assessment should be made available to people who work within that office space.

    You must also inform your employees of the risks, how you're protecting them, and how they should work safely.

    Download our free office risk assessment example today and learn how to keep your employees from harm.

    Common risks in an office setting

    There are many risks that make conducting an office hazards risk assessment a top priority. Such as:

    The above risks can all cause serious harm. so it's vital you carry out a office hazards risk assessment. Download our free office risk assessment example now and keep your employees safe.

    How often should an office risk assessment be carried out?

    An office risk assessment should be carried out any time a new risk is identified, or reviewed at least once a year. With your employees being made aware of the risk assessment being carried out and its findings.

    Download our office risk assessment template today to avoid harm coming to your employees. Once you have an example risk assessment, you will know how to perform them in the future, ensuring total legal compliance.

    How to perform an office risk assessment

    For your office hazards risk assessment to be effective and manage all risks, you should follow the below steps:

    Once any changes have been made following your office risk assessment, it's important you make your employees aware. Especially if there are changes to their daily working life.

    It's important you have a template to use when it comes to carrying out an office risk assessment, download our office risk assessment example now. Doing so will mean you're keeping your office workers safe at all times.

    What is an office risk assessment template?

    An office risk assessment example is a tool that can be used by office managers to identify risks and implement control measures. These templates can be used when a new process is introduced that carries its own risks.

    This template will include all the steps that should be taken by the staff member carrying out the risk assessment - meaning you're meeting your requirements for employee safety.

    Peninsula has created an office risk assessment for you to download and use within your office setting to keep your employees safe. Access your office risk assessment sample now.

    Download your free office risk assessment template now

    It's vital you maintain the Health & Safety of all your employees and people in your office by conducting an office risk assessment. This involves risk analysis, assessing existing precautions and ultimately, controlling hazards.

    Failure to carry out an office hazards risk assessment could lead to serious or fatal accidents in your workplace. Consequently, this might lead to financial and reputational damages.

    Peninsula offers expert advice on your office risk assessment, as well as a free office risk assessment template ready for you to download.

    Our teams provide 24/7 Health & Safety advice which is available 365 days a year. We take care of your business needs when you work with our Health & Safety experts. Want to find out more? Contact us on 0800 028 2420 and book a free consultation with a qualified Health & Safety consultant today.

    Free Office Risk Assessment Example

    Download our free office risk assessment template now


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