• COSHH Risk Assessment Template

COSHH Risk Assessment Template

  • Health & Safety

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    Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts

    (Last updated )

    Download our COSHH risk assessment example now.

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    What is a COSHH risk assessment?

    A COSHH risk assessment is an assessment that purely concentrates on the risks and hazards from any hazardous substances you have in your workplace. This assessment is required by the Control of Substances Hazardous to (COSHH) Regulations.

    A COSHH risk assessment plays a vital part in keep your employees safe from the following:

    • Welding fumes.
    • Dust from tile cutting.
    • Wood dust caused from sanding.
    • Chemical fumes.

    It's crucial you have a COSHH assessment template available to use when you need to evaluate and control the risks harmful substances can have.

    When should a COSHH risk assessment be carried out?

    A risk assessment for COSHH must be conducted before you start any work involving hazardous substances, whether this is a new project or simply adding a new product into a process.

    You should review your assessment regularly - at least annually, but monthly is advisable. Making it even more important you have a COSHH risk assessment template available to use.

    What should a COSHH risk assessment include?

    It's vitally important you know and understand what to include when carrying out a COSHH risk assessment in your workplace. Following the below steps will ensure your COSHH assessment is effective:

    • Identify any substances that may be hazardous via a site walkaround.
    • Identify the hazards associated with those substances.
    • Evaluate the risks that those substances can pose to workers handling them.
    • Identify and implement control measures to control risk, such as providing PPE.
    • Provide clear training to workers handling those substances.
    • Regularly review the assessment.

    We have created a COSHH risk assessment template for you to download and use. Doing so will keep both your business and employees safe. Access your free COSHH risk assessment template now.

    Why do you need a COSHH assessment template?

    Having a COSHH assessment template will assist the process of carrying out a COSHH risk assessment. It will also provide consistency each time you carry out an assessment.

    Also known as a COSHH assessment form, these documents will make up part of your overall Health & Safety management.

    But unsure where to get yours from? Don't worry - our team of experts have put together a COSHH risk assessment example for you to download and use when needed. Access your COSHH assessment template now and keep your employees safe.

    Download your COSHH risk assessment template now

    Whenever substances that are hazardous to health are present in your workplace, you must make sure that they cannot and do not cause ill-health to any person.

    Not doing so can lead to serious accidents, and even death. So it's vital you carry out a risk assessment. Get your COSHH risk assessment template free download now.

    As an employer, it's your responsibility to keep anyone you have working for you free from harm at all times.

    Download our free COSHH risk assessment template today and find out how to control hazardous substances in your workplace. It makes up part of your COSHH paperwork and makes the process easier when it comes to conducting your risk assessment for COSHH.

    Learn the basics of hazardous material risk assessments and monitoring. Discover when and when not to use personal protective equipment. And get expert advice on how to meet UK laws and keep your staff from harm. We can advise you your required COSHH paperwork to keep your employees safe.

    Peninsula provides total support on any HR or Health & Safety issue you have. From unlimited advice to our full documentation and risk assessment services, we'll ensure compliance at all times, contact us today.

    Access your COSHH assessment template free download now. .

    COSHH Risk Assessment Template

    Get your COSHH risk assessment template free download now.

    • COSHH Risk Assessment Template


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