Christmas Work Party Invitation Template

  • Employee Conduct

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    Peninsula Team, Peninsula Team

    (Last updated )

    The staff festive party is chance to mingle, celebrate, and have fun as a team. So, download our Christmas party announcement to employees template today so they're sure what's expected of them.

    The staff festive party is chance to mingle, celebrate, and have fun as a team. And once you’ve made the reservations and sent out invites, you might think your responsibility ends there.

    One way you can successfully manage conduct at your work Christmas party is to use an invitation template, which includes what won't be accepted at the event - as well as rules surrounding alcohol.

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    What is misconduct at a work Christmas Party?

    There are numerous examples of bad behavour at a work Christmas party. This is typically down to employees consuming alcohol being mixed with a relaxed social atmosphere.

    These behaviours can range from discrimination, inappropriate comments, and aggressive actions. Let's discuss each of them in more detail:

    Harassment and sexual harassment

    Unfortunately, the risk of sexual harassment is heightened with the presence of alcohol. So it's vital you make your employees aware via refresher training before the Christmas party takes places.

    Sexual harassment can range from unwanted sexual comments, through to physical sexual assault - and could leave to criminal action. This must be explained within your Christmas work party invitation. We have created a sexual harassment policy, in line with the new laws - to protect your employees.

    Employees who are over the drinking limit

    Work Christmas parties are a time when your employees celebrate their achievements and let their hair down with colleagues. However, this can lead to them being over the legal alcohol limit.

    Doing so can lead to the potential for an accident to take place, as well as them being legally unable to drive home - which could lead to tragic consequences.

    Being over the limit could also mean employees feel more comfortable to discuss your business or their colleagues. Remind your employees in your invitation that this should be avoided, and if they want to discuss any issues during work hours with their line manager.

    Employees who have taken illegal substances

    Sometimes, employees feel like they can potentially take illegal substances during your work Christmas party. Just like with sexual harassment, this is unacceptable.

    Remind your employees of their responsibilities and that they're representing your company throughout the event and the use of drugs won't be accepted.

    Violent or aggressive behaviour

    One of the main risks at a Christmas party is violent behaviour from employees. This can be employee to employee, employee to line manager, or employee to venue staff.

    Aggressive behaviour or even physical assault can be a legal offence and you must remind your employees within the invitation of the ramifications of violence if it takes place.

    You should make clear in your Christmas work party invitation that any of the above actions mentioned aren't acceptable at the event - and disciplinary action, or even police action will be taken if deemed serious enough.

    Download our Christmas work party invitation template now and be sure you're managing your event successfully. This invite can make up part of your Christmas party invitation email to employees, making them aware of expected conduct.

    Tips on how to organise a Christmas Party

    Before sending out your work party invitation template to your employees, it's important you're organising the correct event. This may help to stop some actions of misconduct from taking place.

    For example:

    Cater for dietary requirements and non-drinkers

    You may have a large amount of employees within your business that are non-drinkers, so it's important you cater for them as much as you do for alcohol drinkers. They shouldn't run out of drink options throughout the event.

    As well as this, you must also cater for any dietary requirements - such as vegans or people who are gluten free.

    To help avoid any annoyance, include an option within your Christmas work party invitation for people to state any requirements, or if they're a non-drinker.

    Assist employees in getting home safely

    You have a duty of care to your employees, and this includes after the Christmas party has taken place. Consider laying on taxis to get staff home safely to avoid the possibility of them choosing to drink drive.

    This will also put your female employees mind at ease who may feel uncomfortable walking home alone.

    How to invite employees to your work Christmas Party

    To give your employees the best chance to enjoy their work party, ensure you send the invites out with a good amount of notice. This can be done via a Christmas party invitation email to employees.

    Included within the party invitation should be:

    Download our Christmas work party invitation template now

    The staff festive party is chance to mingle, celebrate, and have fun as a team. And once you’ve made the reservations and sent out invites, you might think your responsibility ends there.

    There are certain details that must be included within your party invitation, but worry not - Peninsula has created a Christmas work party invitation template for you to download and use for your work party. Discover more potential HR issues during the festive period, with our insightful blog.

    We also offer expert advice on HR, as well as ongoing support with any issues you face when it comes to the festive period. Download our Christmas party announcement to employees template today and ensure the event runs smoothly.

    Want to find out more? Contact us on 0800 028 2420 and book a free consultation with a qualified HR consultant.

    Christmas Work Party Invitation Template

    Remind staff to stick to standard workplace rules while having fun at the festive party.


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