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A former staff member at luxury fashion designer Stella McCartney UK has pleaded guilty to stealing £276,000 over two years after he left the business
Thomas Clarkson, 33, worked for Stella McCartney UK until 2021, but after he left the business, he accessed the company’s bank account to pay off his personal credit card and bank loan debts.
He pleaded guilty at Westminster Magistrates Court yesterday, and was told by the Judge the sentencing would be transferred to Inner London Crown Court at a later date.
Over an 18-month period, between October 2022 and March 2024, Clarkson took £276,880.29 from Stella McCartney UK’s business bank account before the fashion brand realised. He did this by setting up direct debits from the company account to his personal loan and credit accounts.
Revenues for the company surpassed £40m in 2022 according to the latest accounts filed at Companies House. The latest accounts for FY23 were due on 31 December 2024, but are not available on the register. The fashion design business is audited by Forvis Mazars.
According to the Daily Mail, Clarkson has since paid back the full amount.
Clarkson was released from Westminster Magistrates Court under bail.
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