UK SMEs Tackle with Growing AI Risks: Survey Highlights Rising Concerns

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A Surge in Concerns Over AI's Impact on Intellectual Property

The survey indicates that 1 in 4 UK SMEs are now worried about the risk of losing intellectual property (IP) due to AI — a sharp rise from just 1 in 20 at this time last year.

The increase suggests a significant shift in the perception of AI risks. As AI continues to intercept business operations, the potential for unintended exposure or misuse of sensitive data has become a key concern for many SMEs. With intellectual property (IP) being a crucial asset, businesses have increasingly become apprehensive about how AI might compromise their competitive edge.

How have you used AI in your workplace to date?

How have you used AI in your workplace to date?

The extensive capacity of AI is still being determined, as the technology is still in its infancy. Many businesses who have included AI into their working practices suffer from understanding its full potential or basic functionality. A whopping 55% have yet to be convinced of the benefits and are against incorporating AI altogether. In opposition to this, 30% of UK businesses admit to using AI sporadically; whilst under 10% of them use AI on a regular trajectory.

Uncertainty Surrounding AI's Broader Impact on Businesses

In addition to concerns over intellectual property, the survey reveals that 1 in 5 UK small businesses see AI as a potential threat but remain uncertain about specific impacts. The ambiguity reflects a broader hesitation amongst business owners who may be unclear about how AI technologies can affect their operations, workforce, and market positioning in the upcoming years.

Many SMEs are still in their early stages of adopting AI; and while the technology offers vast opportunities for growth and innovation, it also opens doors to new challenges. The lack of clarity about AI’s implications for smaller businesses suggests a pressing need for more targeted information and resources to help these enterprises navigate the complexities of AI adoption.

Rising Fears Over AI-Related Management Risks

The survey also highlights a notable rise in concerns about management risks related to AI, with 40% of UK SMEs expressing worry – up from 14% the previous year. This statistic points to increasing awareness among business leaders about the potential pitfalls of AI; such as automated decision-making, data privacy issues, and workforce displacement.

As AI becomes more prevalent in business processes, companies face the challenge of balancing its benefits with its risks. Effective management strategies and strong governance frameworks are essential with ensuring AI integration does not inadvertently introduce new risks that could disrupt business continuity or damage reputation.

What are your key concerns about using AI at work, whether you use it currently or not?

What are your key concerns about using AI at work, whether you use it currently or not?

Research shows UK businesses have expressed an array of concerns when it comes to introducing AI into their work practices. Almost 50% of them have growing fears of security risks often linked to new technology. Losing intellectual property and causing margins of errors are also standard concerns – both of which can lead to detrimental outcomes on business credibility and authenticity.

A Call for Greater Support and Clearer Guidance

With concerns over AI mounting, there is a clear call for more comprehensive support from both industry and government. UK SMEs are seeking clearer guidance on best practices for AI use, as well as stronger regulatory frameworks to protect their interests.

Moving Forward: Recommendations for SMEs

To address these concerns, experts recommend that SMEs conduct thorough risk assessments of their AI strategies, invest in continuous learning and development for their staff, and collaborate with industry partners to grow and implement robust security measures. Staying informed and proactive about AI risks is key when mitigating potential downsides whilst maximizing the benefits.

If you’re using AI, what are the functions you’re using it for?

If you’re using AI, what are the functions you’re using it for?

In recent times, UK businesses across a range of industries are convinced by the benefits of AI technology. Some of its prevalent functions are found through administrative duties (27%) and content production (22%). Despite the higher volume, AI is proven to be a popular work tool in more orthodox areas; like sales, accounting, and finance. 


As AI continues to evolve, its impact on UK SMEs will be closely watched. For these businesses, the challenge lies in embracing AI's transformative potential while remaining vigilant against the risks. Through informed decision-making, strategic investments, and collaborative efforts, UK SMEs can navigate the complexities of AI and harness its power to drive sustainable growth.

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