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Contract of Employment
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Business Support
What is the Licensing Act?
From theatres to restaurants – alcohol sales play a huge part across numerous business sectors. However, only employers with the right paperwork are allowed to sell or supply it on their premises. The Licensing Act is a law that regulates the sale of alcohol, late-night refreshments, and entertainment. The Act isn’t just for outlining the rules on permits. It also promotes duties towards managing the aftermath of alcohol overconsumption.
Peninsula GroupHR and Health & Safety Experts- Employment Law
What is Tendering in Construction?
From small tasks to entire projects – employers have numerous reasons for hiring services from contractors and suppliers. To protect yourself from unexpected risks, you may decide to enter legal agreements through ‘tendering’. In the construction industry, tendering is the process of requesting and receiving a price for a particular form of labour or service.
Peninsula GroupHR and Health & Safety Experts- Employment Contract
What is Agricultural Property Relief?
During the 2024’s Autumn Budget, the government spoke about providing better support for small family farm businesses. This led to the reformation of agricultural property relief (APR). Not only does the relief offer financial aid, but it builds long-term support for smaller farming businesses – helping them navigate through economic and environmental fluctuations.
Peninsula GroupHR and Health & Safety Experts- Pay & Benefits
Blog articles
A word from our founder: Looking ahead to a new year
As we come to the end of another great year, now is the time to look back and reflect on some key takeaways before we look ahead at what’s coming…
Peter DoneGroup Managing Director and Founder- Business Advice
Ask Gavin: are my Xmas decorations a safety hazard? Help!
This caller had concerns that their festive decorations could create a health & safety disaster before Christmas. So, they asked Gavin Scarr Hall, Peninsula’s Director of Health & Safety, for expert advice.
Gavin Scarr HallDirector of Health and Safety- Health & Safety
What can HR learn from 2024?
2024 was a lot. And HR was definitely in the thick of it. From tackling major law updates to seeing a new government take power, your business has had to get to grips with significant change.
Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team- Employment Law
Free downloads
(75)Free Download
Free Performance Improvement Plan Template
Download your free performance improvement plan template now and manage underperforming staff correctly. Access our sample performance improvement plan now, or contact us for free advice.
Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team- Employee Conduct
Free Download
Free Employment Contract Template Scotland
A contract of employment in Scotland is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee.
Peninsula Team Peninsula Team- Employment Contract
Free Download
Free Stress Risk Assessment Template
Download our free workplace stress risk assessment template today and keep all your employees safe from harm.
Peninsula Team Peninsula Team- Health & Safety
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