
Blog articles

  • Employer update: Further restrictions added under Level 5


    Employer update: Further restrictions added under Level 5

    On January 6th, the Irish Government agreed that additional public health restrictions will apply under Level 5 of the Plan for Living with COVID. The added restrictions aim to fight and reduce the spread of coronavirus. The advice remains that people should stay at home except for essential reasons. As a result, many employees will continue to work from home. Below, we look at some of the new measures added under Level 5.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Disciplinary
  • nine grounds for discrimination


    Do you know the nine grounds for discrimination?

    Employers’ anti-discrimination obligations are set out in the Employment Equality Acts 1998- 2015. This legislation prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on nine specific grounds.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Discrimination
  • lgbt history in workplace


    LGBT history in Ireland

    February is LGBT history month, and in Ireland, this means a chance to look back at what’s changed – both socially, and in the workplace.

    Gemma O'Connor
    Gemma O'Connor Head Of Service
    • Equality & Diversity
  • neurodiversity week


    How to support neurodivergent employees: what employers should know

    People think differently, and hiring for a diversity of strengths can benefit your business. Some of these differences may include neurodiversity, an umbrella term for a variety of neurological conditions.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Equality & Diversity
  • A healthy workplace: Managing unauthorised absence from work


    Employer fined €40,000 over GDPR breach

    The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (NDPA) has fined an employer €40,000 for unlawfully setting up automatic forwarding of an employee’s emails. The case will be of interest to Irish employers as it could be a persuasive decision if an employee made a similar claim in this jurisdiction.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Grievance
  • Gavel


    Employer loses claim involving remote work request

    When ‘Making Remote Work’, Ireland’s new National Remote Work Strategy, comes into effect later this year, employees will have the right to request remote working.

    Gemma O'Connor
    Gemma O'Connor Head Of Service
    • Employee Conduct

Free downloads

  • Free Download

    Businesses that implement diversity initiatives enjoy higher profits, but what exactly is diversity in the workplace?

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Equality & Diversity
  • Free Download

    Disability discrimination can arise in every stage of employment, from recruitment and selection to dismissal. Ensure you remain impartial with our expert advice.

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Equality & Diversity

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