Winter's coming: Don't be caught out

Peninsula Team

October 29 2013

Autumn has arrived and we’ll soon be into winter. Prudent employers should be taking action to make sure they don’t get caught out and have to deal with disruption to their business.

Act now

Now is the time to make sure that gutters and drains are clear. It’s always easier and less urgent to do this before they get blocked and buildings, paths and roadways get flooded. You can plan to do it safely and get it right first time. Think about safe access, tower scaffolds or mobile elevating work platforms are always safer than ladders and more cost-effective where there is a lot to be cleared. And it is important that you don’t allow workers to go onto fragile roofs unless they take the proper precautions.

Identify hazards

Ice and snow can almost always be predicted so make sure you have enough salt or grit to take you through to spring. Buy stocks as early as possible so that you buy them at their cheapest. It’s too late trying to buy stock when the snow is on the ground as they're depleted and at a premium price. Identify the paths and access routes that you are going to keep clear and give good concise information and instruction to staff. Don’t forget to have your heating serviced and if its oil or gas fired make sure you have enough fuel. Systems that are not maintained usually breakdown when they are asked to work at their hardest. A cold workplace causes employees concern and inefficiencies and always disrupts the business process.

Off-site workers

If you have a mobile workforce consider how the cold weather could affect their health and safety particularly early in the morning and late at night, especially if they are working a long way from their homes. Make sure your lone-working arrangements are up to date and that you know that these traveling staff are safe. Plan contingency arrangements for the worst weather conditions and make sure your workers are aware of them.

If you plan ahead and don’t leave things to chance your business will continue to operate without risks to the health and safety of your staff, visitors and customers. 

Need our help?

If you would like further complimentary advice on adverse weather from an expert, our advisors are ready to take your call any time day or night. Call us on 0818 923 923 or request a callback here.

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