- Where the employee is unable to attend for work due to disruptive weather in circumstances where the employer is still open for business.
- Where employees make themselves available for work but the employer is closed due to the disruptive weather
- Health & Safety Considerations?
- Temporary Lay-Off and Short-Time Working?
There’s a storm a coming! As we are all well aware from living in Ireland, our weather can often be very unpredictable and can throw a large amount of challenges at employees and employers as result when it comes to getting to the place of work. Be it wind, rain or snow it can all leave the employer with the question of ‘what do I do now with my employee? What are my obligations?’ Indeed, our 24 Hour Advice Service received a significant increase in this question from clients at the beginning of October due to the storm on Sunday 05 October 2014 which led to power outages and Met Éireann issuing Code Yellow weather warnings.
With a tough Winter predicted, with some quarters predicting snow(!), it is important that employers are mindful of the employment law and HR implications of bad weather.
Key Issues Considerations
The key considerations for employers associated with bad weather may be categorized as follows: