Review of JLC Recommendations Part 1 - Agriculture, Contract Cleaning, Catering & Hairdressing

Peninsula Team

October 04 2013

Legislative UpdateBased on the most recent review of the JLC system, a number of key recommendations were made in order to determine whether to retain or abolish the JLCs. In our recent article we gave a brief overview of the proposals, however in the first of our two-part post we will look at each JLC in detail and what key recommendations have been made in respect of these. 

The Scope and extent of some of the JLCs has changed to omit some establishments and tie in others so for any employers who were previously under a JLC or there was a question mark under their application these posts will be well worth noting

Agricultural JLC

Retain or Abolish

Retain with reduced scope


  • Cover only those workers in those parts of an establishment engaged in farming, defined as the production, sorting and packing of animals, animal produce, crops, fruit and vegetables for consumable use and those engaged in horticulture including market gardens, garden nurseries and nursery grounds
  • Effectively removes workers and parts of establishments not engaged in any of the above activities and specifically “osier land or woodland”, “sports grounds”, “the caring for or the rearing or training of animals”, and “any other incidental activities connected with agriculture”
  • Confines the scope of the ERO to any workers on a farming establishment engaged in farming as point one, and not those workers in the same establishments or on the same premises who are engaged in related but non farming work e.g. distribution or food processing

Catering & Licensed Trade Sector JLC

Retain or Abolish

Retain as one JLC with no regional distinction and extended scope


  • Definition now “a business or premises approved primarily for the purpose of and continuing to supply prepared food or drink for consumption on or off the premises, for reward to any persons, other than those premises where the workers engaged in these activities are covered by the Retail Grocery JLC or employed by a hotel”
  • Extended to all public houses that serve either hot or cold food and it is recommended to be extended to all public houses regardless of food being served on the premises
  • Distinction removed as to those premises that provide seating and those that do not, so all premises who serve food will be covered
  • Off licenses will also be covered
  • Catering companies will also be included under the extended scope
  • Inclusion or exclusion will not be defined on the product, or temperature of the product or the location of the establishment or the physical arrangements

Contract Cleaning

Retain or Abolish

Retain with scope clarified


  • Definition to be “workers in this JLC means workers employed by companies engaged in whole or part on the provision of cleaning and janitorial services in, or on the exterior of establishments including hospitals, offices, shops, stores, factories, apartments buildings, hotels, airports and similar establishments”
  • Wording now in line with that agreed between unions and employers from recent REA


Retain or Abolish

Retain but with reduced scope


  • “hairdressers employed in any undertaking  where hairdressers are employed”
  • Limited to those to those specifically engaged in hairdressing, removing beauticians and manicurists in hairdressing establishments
  • Regional distinction of Dublin and Cork removed and applied to the whole of the state

Suggested Resources