The Peninsula NPS Survey - What's It All About?

Peninsula Team

January 29 2014

We listen to our clients and continually strive to provide the best service for them. We are really hard on ourselves and create very challenging targets for our business to ensure we are delivering an exceptional service. We demand nothing but the best from every single person on our team and constantly develop new and increase existing tough quality control measures and service levels to meet and exceed clients’ expectations. However, we are the first to say that we don’t always get it right. For that reason, we are always welcoming feedback and suggestions from clients about where we can improve and how to provide a service that is second to none! We also love hearing all the positive feedback that we get and make sure to pass it on to the team members who worked hard to get that feedback! In 2013 we introduced the NPS survey to monitor and track client feedback and we have been working hard to use that feedback to continue developing our service! What is NPS? The NPS survey is a tool that is used by over 80% of the top 1000 companies in the world. The benefits of this survey are numerous in that it only asks you one main question: “How likely is it that you would recommend Peninsula Business Services to a friend or colleague?” Our customers respond to this by evaluating the service you have received on a 0 to 10 scale, with 0 meaning that you absolutely would not recommend the service and a 10 meaning that you absolutely would recommend the service. Our customers also have the option to leave a comment to support your score or to provide suggestions about what you would like us to improve. What’s In It For Me? Each week our systems randomly select a number of email addresses from those customers who used our services in that week and then forwards on the NPS survey. We all are more than aware that in business we can receive a lot of emails in any given day so the question for most people is “why should I take the time to complete this survey?” and “what’s in it for me?” The answer is simple: the Peninsula Service is Your Service. You have the right to provide feedback on any aspect of the service that you find has or has not met your expectations. If it has met your expectations then we will take that feedback on board and ensure that these standards are maintained. If it has not met your expectations then we will take this feedback on board and adapt and evolve our services wherever possible to ensure continuous development and client satisfaction. And best of all… it only takes two minutes to complete. (We’re not a fan of hour long surveys either!). And if that’s not enough, every client who responds to the survey is put into a monthly draw to win a Kindle! Your Feedback Is Invaluable As outlined above, your feedback is invaluable. These responses have allowed us to develop our service over the last 7 months and we can only but imagine the amount of excellent ideas, suggestions and nuggets of information that will see from your feedback in 2014! Thank you to every client who has responded to the survey so far and we would love to see more feedback from even more clients again this year! It only takes a minute to fill in but the feedback is invaluable to help make the Peninsula Service, Your Service.  

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