Peninsula In The Media: Top 10 Most Annoying Workplace Habits

Peninsula Team

August 01 2013

irish independentA recent Peninsula survey has been featured in the Irish Independent, which looks at the top 10 most annoying habits in the workplace, however according to the survey it is not office politics that tends to get on our nerves the most – it's eating habits.

Coming in first was the smell of hot food, like curries and fish dishes, eaten in the office. The growing popularity of open-plan workplaces makes the effect all the more pronounced. "Before you take hot food to your desk think about how the smell may affect other workers – it can linger and may even transfer to coats and garments," said Alan Price, managing director of Peninsula Ireland.

"The common bugbear of sick employees spreading germs at work did not make the top 10 – but was still a serious annoyance to those surveyed. "Whilst it may seem heroic to come into work when you are not feeling 100%, this is a major workplace annoyance, especially when employees pass on their colds to fellow workers – so stay at home," said Mr Price.

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