Peninsula Face2Face

Peninsula Team

January 29 2014

Our clients are often asking us enthusiastically to introduce a product where we can provide on-site support and training for HR and employment law matters. Well, we've listened and have been working diligently behind the scenes for quite some time now to develop and tailor the right product where we can do exactly that!

We're pleased to say that having successfully trialled this service over the last few months, we're now ready to introduce and offer the service to all clients.

Why might an employer want on-site support?

Typically, how a disciplinary or grievance meeting was conducted, is heavily scrutinised during an LRC or EAT hearing for example, so it's important for employers to show that the procedure they followed is fair and compliant with relevant legislation and Codes of Practise.

In addition, meetings like these are time-consuming, administratively burdensome, and require a certain level of skill and expertise to avoid or successfully defend an Unfair Dismissal case. This can often pose real difficulty for SMEs where the management structure is undoubtedly quite flat. Peninsula Face2Face offers the complete on-site solution.

How can we help?

Simply put, our team of experts can make your business challenges appear simple and straightforward. We can conduct the meetings on your behalf or we can sit alongside you as a note taker to give you more confidence to conduct the meeting yourself while knowing you have expert support there to guide you as necessary.

Perhaps you're planning to hire some new employees but there's nobody in the business with the skills needed to successfully recruit the right candidates? We can carry out the interview process for you or provide training for your managers which will give them the skills to recruit the cream of the crop in future.

Here's what we can do:

  • Hold and conduct disciplinary investigations and grievance hearings.
  • Carry out Appeal Hearings in disciplinary, grievance, or redundancy matters.
  • Carry out detailed and complex bullying and harassment investigations.
  • Act as a note taker in any formal meetings and produce typed minutes of this meeting.
  • Provide onsite expertise in difficult situations such as redundancy and TUPE consultations.
  • Provide coaching and mentoring to management to enable them to more effectively handle situations like these themselves.
  • Provide on-site training on topics such as Interview Skills, Performance Management, Conducting Disciplinary Hearings etc. Whatever training you need, contact us to discuss it and see where we can help!
  • HR Audit: Are you due a NERA, HIQA, or another formal audit soon and need to feel confident that all your HR and employment law matters are up to date? We can carry out an audit on-site with you and where relevant, discuss any follow-up actions for implementation before the "real audit2.

Need our help?

This list isn’t exhaustive, so if there's anything you think we can help with, just pick up the phone and discuss your requirements with one of our team who can work with you to find the right solution for your business.

The cost for Peninsula Face2Face is specific to the requirements of the particular situation. Please contact us on 0818 923 923 for further details.    

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