Peninsula Face2Face: The complete on-site solution from Peninsula Business Services

Peninsula Team

August 29 2013

We recognised that it can be time-consuming and often challenging for businesses to conduct investigations, disciplinary or capability processes, and grievance hearings with employees. It diverts the focus of owners, directors, and managers from successfully operating businesses and in such situations Peninsula Face2Face support and assistance is proving invaluable.

Peninsula Face2Face provides an extra layer of reassurance through on-site support which allows business owners, directors, and managers to focus on successfully running their businesses.

Benefits of Peninsula Face2Face

In a short period of time, the progress of Peninsula Face2Face has been fantastic. However, what has delighted us more than anything is the superb feedback we have been receiving from clients telling us the difference Peninsula Face2Face is making for them.

It means we're delivering a great new service that our clients require. At present, Peninsula Face2Face is available for the following situations:

  • Conducting investigations and holding investigatory meetings, including the detailed investigations needed in cases of potential fraud, theft, bullying, or harassment.
  • Holding grievance and grievance appeal meetings.
  • Supporting and assisting the appointed manager to conduct disciplinary and capability hearings and related appeals.
  • Attendance at redundancy and TUPE consultation meetings, providing expertise in these potentially difficult and complex situations. 
  • Coaching and mentoring for directors and managers to successfully run a relevant meeting relating to a Peninsula Face2Face exercise.

Some of the feedback we've received from clients so far is that it's allowed directors and managers to focus on “running their business”, but also that “it was great to have someone owning the issue, meaning confidence and comfort was provided at a difficult time”, and “it took the emotion away from a difficult and complex situation in a more small business”.

Want to learn more about Peninsula Face2Face?

To learn more about Peninsula Face2Face and how it can benefit your business, contact us today on 0818 923 923

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