Health and Safety Authority (HSA) programme of works for 2015

Peninsula Team

February 25 2015

The Health and safety Authority published programme of works for 2015, it is the third programme of work prepared by the Authority under its strategy for 2013 to 2015. This year the Authority will carry out 11,955 inspections and investigations, compared to a planned 11,520 last year, that’s an additional 435 inspections for 2015. What does this mean for an employer? Apart from checking the safety statement, the Authority inspectors will seek to find out, the extent to which employers, directors and senior managers are aware of their safety and health responsibilities. Inspectors are asking the person in charge in the workplace at the time of the inspection some key questions about the extent of their knowledge on their responsibilities and how they are implementing them. During an inspection the HSA Inspector endeavours to meet the most senior person in charge in the workplace and outlines the nature of the inspection. They will also seek to meet the Health and Safety Manager/Adviser and the Safety Representative, where they are in place. Following the formal introductions the inspection will firstly review relevant safety and health documentation including the Safety Statement, risk assessments and/or the health and safety plan as appropriate. (The above extract from HSA Inspections - Health and Safety Authority) Planned inspections: While the investigations will cover many different sectors, the Construction Industry and Agriculture sector will receive the most safety inspections. The HSA plans to carry out 3,150 construction inspections an increase of 650 on the 2014 target. Inspectors will be monitoring compliance with the Construction Regulations 2013. This focus will be on small construction projects, vehicle movement on sites, school construction projects and large infrastructure projects. A two week inspection campaign is also proposed, the emphasis of which will be on occupational health. The aim is to ensure that an increase in employment does not correspond to an increase in accidents. New employees are more likely to suffer accidents at work and must be aware of the importance of health and safety aspects when working, which includes proper induction and training as provided by their employer. The Authority will carry out 200 inspections in the healthcare sector. Inspections will focus on Occupational Safety and Health management, violence and aggression and the implementation of the Sharps Regulations 2014. 700 inspections will be carried out in the manufacturing industry. The focus will be on Occupational Safety and Health management and work equipment. As an employer, you are legally compelled to have written risk assessments for your business operations and failure to do so may lead to a prosecution by the Health & Safety Authority or lead to issues with your insurance company and their likelihood to support a claim on your employer’s liability or public liability insurance. These assessments need to ensure all relevant control measures are in place and supervised. In the transport and storage sector, there will be 150 inspections carried out with the emphasis on load securing and workplace transport. The Road Safety Authority are also planning for inspections in various sectors including transport and storage, waste management, construction and bus passenger transport depots. They plan to carry out 300 road checks and 120 checks at premises with dangerous goods safety advisors. This has been evident over recent months, with inspectors asking to review daily checks on vehicles. From an employer point of view, you need to ensure your Safety Management Systems are up to date and implemented for future inspections. Call us at Peninsula Business Services (Ireland) Ltd for more details on 0818 923 923. The Peninsula BusinessSafe service covers-

  • A review of the way you manage health and safety in your premises and is conducted by qualified Health & Safety Consultants to identify areas of non-compliance with legal requirements. You will receive a report advising on how to use best practice and achieve compliance with legal obligations.
  • The preparation and installation of a bespoke Health & Safety management system, developed for your business, including the organisation, specific arrangements and monitoring procedures required for its effective implementation.
  • Regular visits to service your Health & Safety management system and advice on continuing legal compliance.
  • Access to a 24 hour Telephone Advice service supported by qualified Health & Safety Consultants.

Patricia O’Malley is a Technical Advisor working with Peninsula Business Services (Ireland) Ltd; who are Ireland’s leading provider of employment law and health & safety services. Established in Ireland since 1997, we have thousands of businesses who have already integrated Peninsula to work as part of their HR and Health & Safety departments. With offices in Dublin, Belfast, Sydney and Manchester, Peninsula employs 1000 people across Ireland, Australia and the UK. - See more at:

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