Black Friday Dot Com Crackdown

Peninsula Team

November 12 2015

There is no escaping the allure of a good bargain, and as Black Friday, alongside Cyber Monday is due to set record sales, employers are understandably worried about how this may affect employee performance during working hours.
  • 84% of Irish employers are considering implementing a major crackdown on employee internet usage for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • Peninsula Ireland has spoken to 1100 employers wanting help with their internet usage policies.
This news stems from the fact that UK based Peninsula Business Services received 7,953 calls from panicked employers after being bombarded with holiday requests for Black Friday, in addition to growing concern about how internet shopping my hamper workplace productivity. Whilst Irish employers haven’t received the same volume of requests, the fear is growing that employees may opt for the simplicity of shopping online from the comfort of their desks. Alan Price, Managing Director of Peninsula Ireland said today, “After the chaos and carnage witnessed across the UK and Ireland during last year’s Black Friday, it would appear that this American born holiday is soon to become a staple tradition on our fair shores. However with more and more people in Ireland looking to avoid a mass brawl on the high street, internet shopping is highly likely to be everyone’s first port of call.” “Whilst calling in sick is a massive issue for many Irish businesses, equally as problematic are employees who come to work present in body, but absent in mind. Whilst employers may allow the odd degree of flexibility when it comes to employees and their internet usage, what is not acceptable is for employees to take liberties spending more of their time browsing the web than being productive and carrying out their daily duties.” Price adds, “This is a situation that could easily escalate out of control, particularly if more and more of your employees are getting away with spending excess time shopping or participating in personal activities during office hours. If employers don’t already have a computer and internet usage policy in place, it’s a good idea that they implement one pronto, not just for Black Friday, but for the whole year through. “With many employees needing further access to the internet, it is vital that employers enforce rules and procedures regarding internet usage, which highlight to employees what websites they can and cannot have access to. These procedures need to be watertight and communicated to every member of staff. Getting their acknowledgement and understanding of these procedures in writing will help employers should they need to take action when employees are found to be breaching the policy.” “Implementing a policy is important, but policing internet usage is fundamental. Policies help stipulate terms and conditions, but ensuring that internet usage is monitored consistently and effectively is paramount.” Price Concludes, “The effects of Black Friday last year and the recent news reports, which suggest that this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be bigger than ever, has put employers on red alert. Remember it is better to be proactive than reactive in business, so taking action now before the big day arrives will save employers a lot of hassle and aggravation.”

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