Bite Size HR: Employee Cited For "Uncontrollable Flatulence" in the Workplace

Peninsula Team

January 09 2013

Bite Size HRA Social Security Administration worker has been cited by his superiors for 'conduct unbecoming a federal officer,' relating to his 'uncontrollable flatulence' in the workplace. In a story on the Daily Mail Online the Maryland man, 38, was reportedly hit with a five-page reprimand Dec. 10 that included a meticulously crafted log of specific dates and times when coworkers observed - or overheard - him 'releasing the awful and unpleasant odor' in his Baltimore office.

Whilst this may be amusing to read this can be a very serious issue for employers to deal with and one which can require some tact and carefulness when addressing.

The letter's log reportedly cited 17 dates - and 60 times - in which he passed so much gas the resulting miasma created an' intolerable' and 'hostile' workplace environment for those around him. For example, the man’s Sept. 19 output included nine bouts of flatulence, starting at 9:45 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m.

In the missive, an SSA manager reportedly  notes, 'nothing that you have submitted has indicated that you would have  uncontrollable flatulence. It is my belief that you can control this  condition.' The employee had apparently submitted evidence to his superiors  showing he suffered from “some medical conditions” that, at times, caused him to  leave work early. The letter was likely not a surprise, as the  worker was met with on three occasions prior to its receipt for behavior in the  workplace his colleagues found “discourteous, disrespectful, and entirely  inappropriate.”

On Aug. 14, the 'Deputy Division  Director' spoke with the worker about his 'continuous  releasing of your bodily gas and the terrible smell that comes with the gas.' The manager informed the  employee that he 'could not pass gas  indefinitely and continue to  disrupt the work place.'

The formal reprimand followed which the  worker's manager noted, “is the least severe penalty available to impress upon  you the seriousness of your actions and is necessary to deter future  misconduct.”

As highlighted this is a serious issue when an employee may be suffering from an underlying medical issue, however there is the issue of fellow employees to be considered, and they also must be allowed to operate in an pleasant working environment. An employer will have to balance their responsibilities to both the worker and to the fellow employees and treat any such issues with sensitivity.

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