The Employment Appeals Tribunal is an independent body bound to act judicially. In this guide, we explain what this involves. And if you need tribunal representation, we provide contact details so your business can get immediate assistance.
What is the Employment Appeals Tribunal?
The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) was set up as an independent judicial body to provide a fair, inexpensive and informal forum for the resolution of employment disputes. The Tribunal consists of three people, a chairperson and one representative each, from panels formed by the trade unions and employer organisations. Hearings are generally open to the public and the media can report on the proceedings. The secretariat that assists the tribunal administration consists of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation.Employment Appeals Tribunal waiting times
Despite the best intentions of the EAT, it struggled to meet one of its stated aims of providing a quick resolution of claims by employees who alleged their statutory employment rights faced a breach. As the workload increased, so did decision times.Employment Appeals Tribunal Ireland Cases
The EAT dealt with cases falling under various employment statutes and Acts such as:- Redundancy Payments.
- Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment.
- Unfair Dismissals.
- Terms of Employment (Information).
- Payment of Wages.
- Maternity Protection.
- Adoptive Leave.
- Carer's Leave.
- Parental Leave.
- Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse.
- Protection of Young Persons (Employment).
- European Communities (Protection of Employees’ on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations.