With unlimited documentation support, Toby mentioned his concerns to his Peninsula consultants.
He mentioned that he wanted to boost the maternity and paternity support within the business, with the aim to attract more applicants and retain staff.
Toby’s consultant listened to what he wanted to roll out, and together, they drafted a new maternity and paternity policy with the new entitlement.
As this policy was approved by an employment law specialist, Toby had the confidence that he was meeting essential HR guidelines and providing a fair and consistent enhanced package.
Peninsula HR advisers also regularly review the charity’s staff handbook, policies, and paperwork. As employment law changes frequently, Toby has advisers who alert him to any new changes – and update employee handbooks and policies to bring them in line with the latest laws.
So if an accrediting professional body – like BACP – asks for proof of fair and compliant workplace processes, Toby can provide this.
It gives BACP the confidence that Sunderland Counselling is a fair and ethical organisation – who always provide the correct employee entitlements.