Webcasts/Boosting Performance: How to Manage Staff Absences During Back-to-School Season

Aug 28, 2024 / 2:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Boosting Performance: How to Manage Staff Absences During Back-to-School Season

Olivia Cicchin

Olivia Cicchini

Digital Events Presenter, Peninsula Canada






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About this upcoming session

Absenteeism is a common issue faced by employers once the new school year starts in September. The back-to-school rush means more last-minute time-off or flexible working requests from your employees who have children and are settling into a new routine.  

As an employer, you understand: Sometimes their child may be sick, an arrangement with the sitter may fall through, or there may be an emergency at school. While you want to support your employees balance home and work, you don’t want your business to suffer due to frequent employee absences.  

Employers should know how to manage all such accommodation requests in accordance with the applicable employment standards and human rights legislation.  

Join our experts, Olivia Cicchini and Dixon Karichian, at our upcoming webinar and get guidance on the HR policies you need to increase staff productivity and manage absences during back-to-school season.  

At the webinar, you’ll learn:    

  • Employee leave entitlements as per the law  

  • Best practices to promote a work-life balance  

  • Steps to take to support new parents  

  • Human rights accommodations employers should know about  

  • And more…   

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